Information for grant applicants

The instructions for applicants will provide you with information about the criteria for awarding grants, how to make an application and how applications are processed among other things. Please read the guidelines carefully before completing the application form.

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation awards grants for internationally significant scientific research with breakthrough potential and for art and culture that has the potential to meet demanding international criteria. The Foundation selectively awards grants also among other things for projects relating to higher education, sports and third sector activities.

Who can apply?
  • As a general rule, working groups and organisations and their consortia
  • For research projects, post-doctoral researchers who have achieved sufficient independence (See Frequently asked questions)
What can applications be made for?
  • Research projects in medicine, engineering, economics and other supporting and enabling sciences
  • Arts and culture projects
  • Multidisciplinary projects in science, art and culture
  • Projects to develop the capabilities and potential of the industry, the environment and/or the applicant organisation in the above-mentioned fields
  • Enabling policies and research that contribute to solving problems of societal importance
  • All projects must have a sufficient and clear link to Finland (See Frequently asked questions)
What are grants not awarded for?
  • Profit-seeking activities
  • On social grounds (purposes falling within the scope of private life)
  • Individual doctoral dissertations, nor for postdoc stage research: a working group may include researchers in the dissertation and postdoc stage
  • To fund studies and for internships
  • As a travel grant
  • For individual small equipment purchases, tools and musical instruments
  • To finance any activity on a permanent basis
  • For activities covered by public service provision
  • If the applicant or project has no fixed connection to Finland

The Foundation only awards grants, and doesn’t make sponsoring
or cooperation agreements, for example.

Strategic policy 2024–26

We promote internationally competitive science, art and culture.

We invest in innovation in science and art, in bold new ventures – socially significant and empowering activities.

We recognize the need for operating models that support science and art as well as activities that strengthen talent and career tracks.

Our objective is to enable long-term working, but also new kinds of cross-sectoral cooperation. The Foundation’s grants have a major impact on the implementation of projects.

During the strategy period, we allocate science grants to medicine, technology, natural sciences that support technology, and art and culture. We primarily award grants to working groups and organizations. The Foundation also supports, at its discretion, other projects that promote wellbeing in Finland.

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees makes decisions to award grants four times a year. The average time for processing applications is 4–6 months. Read our application guidelines and the times of meetings carefully before completing your application.

  • When we start processing your application, we first check that it complies with the Foundation’s rules.
  • Our experts will then assess all applications that meet the Foundation’s statutes and are discussed during this round of meetings, according to our evaluation criteria. There are two stages in the evaluation process.
  • In the first stage of the evaluation, each application is assessed independently by the experts. In the second phase, the experts meet to discuss the projects and the results of the independent evaluation phase and to decide on the grant proposals to the Expert Committee.
  • Following the deliberations of the Expert Committee, the Executive Committee prepares a proposal to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
  • The Board of Trustees takes decisions on grants at its meeting.
  • We send the decisions to all applicants.

If the application requires further clarification by the Foundation, or if the processing is delayed for any other reason, the application may be deferred to the next possible meeting.

Who evaluates your application?

We use peer review to evaluate applications. Our experts will assess your application against the evaluation criteria. The experts can be from Finland or abroad and their term of office is three years. We do not publish the identity of the experts.

What kind of project will succeed?

Successful applications meet our evaluation criteria and are clear, credibly justified and inspiring. We value good collaborative networks and an international dimension where these are of genuine relevance to the success of the project. We also pay attention to the accountability of the project and the realism of the budget.

Evaluation criteria

For the evaluation of the project, we have established a set of criteria to ensure fair and consistent evaluation work.


Achievement of the Foundation’s strategic objectives

We will evaluate whether the project contributes to one or more of our strategic objectives: supporting excellence in the field, generating generational change, internationalisation, renewal, cross-disciplinarity and/or career development of young talent.


Boldness and ambition of objectives

We evaluate the uniqueness, surprise, breakthrough potential and international relevance of the project. Does it challenge past practice in the field? We also assess the risk the project entails in relation to its potential benefits.


Work plans and methods

We evaluate the level and logic of the project’s work plan and the clarity of the objectives and milestones. Is the methodology used robust and up-to-date? Does the plan reflect the context and current situation of the project? Does the project as a whole represent the state of the art in its field?


Implementers and cooperation networks

We evaluate the quality of the main implementers: are they top performers in terms of career stages and evidence? Are the project’s collaborative networks strong, and does the project need international partners to succeed? Is the division of labour clear and the infrastructure in place credible?



We assess the significance of the research or activity: does the project offer significant benefits even if it doesn’t lead to a breakthrough or success? What positive impact will the project have not only on its own field, but also on society at large?

Guidelines for applications and online service

Once you have carefully read the guidelines for applications, you can use your online banking credentials to log in to the online service, complete your application and submit it to us.

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