Donations Granted


29,715,900 €

(the amount may include granted donations not yet published)

Aalto University

Fundraising Campaign

3,000,000 €

Svenska Handelshögskolan

Hanken Returns

2,000,000 €

Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation and Technology Industries of Finland Centennial, funding for “The Future Makers Program”

  • University of Oulu, professor Jukka Riekki, Mobile Edge Computing, 300,000 €
  • Tampere University of technology, professor Karen Equiazarian. Computational imaging without lens, 350,000 €
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology, professor Jero Ahola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, principal scientist Juha-Pekka Pitkänen300,000 €
  • Aalto univerisity, docent Mikko Möttönen. The quantum computer, 700,000 €
  • Tampere University of technology, professor Kari T. Koskinen. Autonomous and Collaborative Offshore Robotics, 300,000 €

1,950,000 €

Professor Anna-Liisa Laine

University of Helsinki

Research Centre for Ecological Change

1,500,000 €

Professor Jukka Jernvall                 

University of Helsinki

The Lake Saimaa Seal as a model for genome research

1,238,000 €

PhD Sirpa Jalkanen

University of Turku

New Tools to Target Lymphatics and Prevent Cancer Growth and Spread

1,160,000 €

Professor Ilkka Julkunen

University of Turku and National Institute for Health and Welfare

Innate immune signaling in viral infections: targets influenza, Ebola and Zika viruses

1,100,000 €

Professor Risto Ilmoniemi and professor Olli Gröhn

Aalto University and University of Eastern Finland

A new era in brain stimulation: development of next-generation EEG/fMRI compatible multi-channel brain stimulation technology

1,085,000 €

PhD Miika Nieminen

University of Oulu

Structure-specific MRI characterization of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis – Part 2

1,018,000 €

Professor Olli Vapalahti

University of Helsinki

Arbovirus emergence and disease associations

1,000,000 €

PhD Ronald Österbacka, docent Jan-Henrik Smått, professor Peter Lund, docent Paola Vivo

Åbo Akademi, Aalto University and Tampere University of Technology

A novel integrated approach for highly reproducible and stable perovskite solar cells (ASPIRE)

997,000 €

Professor Pertti Panula

University of Helsinki

Generation of gene-modified zebrafish

950,000 €

PhD Ville Hietakangas

University of Helsinki

Nutrient sensing in intestinal stem cells – mechanisms and therapeutic prospects

910,000 €

PhD Kim Pettersson

University of Turku

Novel, unique biomarker concept (NANOLEC) aimed at early diagnosis of five common cancers

885,000 €

PhD Minna Poranen and professor Veijo Hukkanen

University of Helsinki and University of Turku

Novel RNA-mediated therapies for virus infections

850,000 €

PhD Lari Lehtiö

University of Oulu

Tankyrases as regulators of cellular signaling complexes – from structural studies to new therapeutic strategies

720,000 €

PhD Sara Wickström

University of Helsinki

Epigenetic and metabolic regulation of stem cell population dynamics and plasticity

650,000 €

Tero Saarinen Company (Into liikkeessä ry)

Zimmermann Trion (2018),  new production and international visits (2018–2019)

610,000 €

PhD Maria Vartiainen

University of Helsinki

Chromatin dynamics in stem cells: nuclear actin in maintenance of genomic integrity

586,000 €

PhD Vincenzo Cerullo

University of Helsinki

Novel miniaturized workflow for personalized cancer vaccine for clinically and commercially relevant oncolytic viruses

550,000 €

Professor Anne Roivainen

Turku PET Centre

Molecular imaging of inflammation: evaluation of new targeted probes for clinical translation

528,000 €

Professor Kaarina Sivonen

University of Helsinki

Characterization of antifungal and anti-cancer compounds from cyanobacteria

524,000 €

Helsinki Music Centre Foundation

The Pipe Organ project

500,000 €

PhD Thad Maloney

Aalto University

Forming mechanism of bio-based nanofilms (NANOFORM) project

486,000 €

Professor Petri Kursula

University of Oulu

The molecular basis of myelin diseases

436,000 €

Kunsthalle Helsinki

Contributions for operations

380,000 €

Professor Daniel Abankwa

Turku Centre for Biotechnology

The role of the Galectin-1/Raf interface in promoting cancer cell stemness

350,000 €

PhD Marja-Liisa Trux and D.Sc Isto Turpeinen

Organization research

364,000 €

PhD Pia Rantakari

University of Turku

Impact of Endothelium in embryonic leukocyte migration

355,000 €

Aalto University

Fixed-term professorship in Technology

300,000 €

PhD Ilkka Pölönen

University of Jyväskylä

Methods for Spectral Imaging of Cells

300,000 €

Savonlinna Opera Festival

International opera visit to Savonlinna 2018

260,000 €

Helsinki festival

International dance performances 2018–2020

240,000 €

Hamina Tattoo International Military Music Festival

International Military Music Festival 2017–2018

220,000 €

DSc Kevin Franke

Berkley National Laboratory US & University of Leeds UK

Voltage Control of Spine Structures (V-Chiral Spin)

200,000 €

PhD Nuno Candeias

Tampere University of Technology

Nipharmin: a new antibacterial scaffold and biological applications

173,000 €

Kuopio Dance Festival

International dance visitors 2017–2019

140,000 €

Professor Ritva Tikkanen

The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa HUS

Small-molecular chaperone therapy for the treatment of AGU

137,000 €

PhD Tuomas Näreoja

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Functionalized in vitro model of bone to examine regulation of bone remodeling

112,000 €

Oratorio Society of New York

Kullervo choir concert in New York 2019

107,000 €

Tampere Hall

Visit of The Vienna Philharmonic 28.4.2018

100,000 €

PhD Kari Kurppa

Harvard Medical School

Resistance mechanisms to third-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer

80,000 €

The League of Finnish American Societies

Grant activity

70,000 €

PhD Juho Vuononvirta

Imperial College London

Direct visualization of the fate of inflammatory neutrophils and alveolar macrophages in the lung

61,000 €

PhD Riitta Saarinen

Harvard Medical School & Boston Children’s Hospital

Transtympanic drug delivery in otitis media

60,000 €

PhD Taina Nieminen

Texas, Dallas, USA

Early onset colorectal cancer: epidemiology and mechanism of predisposition

60,000 €

Lahti Symphony Orchestra

London Symphony Orchestra´s visit to Lahti 13.6.2017

50,000 €

K.L. Oesch´s memorial association

Finnish Heroes

45,000 €

PhD Hemanathan Kumar

University of Jyväskylä

Sustainable production of biofuels and value added bio products from forest based industrial by-products

42,000 €

West Coast Kokkola Opera

G. Meyerbeer: L´etoile du Nord / Pohjantähti

40,000 €

The National Gallery London

Lake Keitele: A Vision of Finland 15 November – 4 February 2018

33,000 €

Junior Achievement Finland (Nuori yrittäjyys ry.)

Activites in 2018

30,000 €

Suomenkielisen Kouluviestikarnevaalin Tukisäätiö

30,000 €

PhD Miia Lehtinen

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Embryonic stem cell-derived heart progenitors and cardiac repair

25,000 €

The Resevist Band of Häme and Tradiotional band of Dragsvik

Concert 2018

14,600 €

Suomen Nuoriso-opiston kannatusyhdistys

J.H.Erkko Literature Competition 2017

7,000 €

Scholarships for Erkko Upper Secondary School of Orimattila

4,900 €
