Donations Granted


32,960,900 €

(the amount may include granted donations not yet published)

Professor Markku Kulmala

University of Helsinki

Quantifying carbon sink, CarbonSink+ and their interaction with air quality

2,900,000 €

HAM Helsinki Art Museum

The Helsinki Biennale 2020

2,500,000 €

Professor Riitta Lahesmaa

University of Turku

New regulators of human regulatory T cell differentiation and function

1,695,000 €

Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation and Technology Industries of Finland Centennial, funding for “The Future Makers Program”

  • Aalto University, D.Sc. Syed Ghufran Hashmi. Cutting-edge low cost carbon-based printed perovskite solar cell technology, 350,000 €
  • Aalto University, assistant professor Ilkka Laakso. Accessible magnetic resonance imaging, 325,000 €
  • Aalto University, Academy Research Fellow Pekka Peljo. Digital drive for revolutionizing materials discovery for the next generation energy storage, 250,000 €
  • Aalto University, professor Tapio Ala-Nissilä. Lämpövarastomateriaalit tulevaisuuden energiavarastoinnin haasteisiin, 250,000 €
  • LUT University, professor Tuomas Koiranen. Neo-Carbon Materials – Hiilidioksidin muuntaminen grafeeniksi, hiilinanoputkiksi ja hiilimustaksi päästöttömällä sähköllä, 225,000 €
  • Tampere University, professor Jouni Mattila. Teaching Intelligence Through Telepresence for Autonomous Control of Collaborative Heavy-duty Mobile Manipulators, 200,000 €

1,600,000 €

Professor Johanna Myllyharju, professor Peppi Karppinen

University of Oulu

Key enzyme regulators of the hypoxia response, collagen synthesis and epigenetic pathways as therapeutic target

1,500,000 €

Urhea Sports Hall Ltd

National Olympic Training Center

1,500,000 €

Professor Eva-Mari Aro

University of Turku

Opportunities of molecular level photosynthesis research

1,464,000 €

Professor Elina Ikonen

University of Helsinki

Novel rapid protein degradation technology: application for studying lipid transport in mammalian cells and tissues

1,400,000 €

Professor Mika Valden

Tampere University

Mitigating the climate change by conversion of carbon dioxide and water into solar fuels

1,316,000 €

FinnDisMice, national consortium

Universities of Helsinki, Turku and Oulu

Novel mouse models of Finnish Disease Heritage as tools to study rare disease mechanisms: FinnDisMice

1,200,000 €

Professor Yrjö Helariutta

University of Helsinki

Puiden hiilinieluefektin molekulaarinen perusta ja jalostus

1,000,000 €

PhD Gonghong Wei

University of Oulu

Towards systems understanding of prostate cancer susceptibility

990,000 €

Professor Tuula Salo

Universities of Helsinki, Turku and Oulu

Matrix matters: The relevance of proper extracellular matrices for personalized cancer medicine assays

927,000 €

City of Helsinki / Cultural Office

Culture Kids

900,000 €

Professor Tanja Kallio

Aalto University

Storing of Renewable Energy in High Added Value Chemicals

872,000 €

Professor Pedro Camargo

University of Helsinki

Marrying plasmonic hosts and catalytic single-atoms for solar to chemical energy conversion in single-atom plasmonic catalysts (SAPCs)

700,000 €

Professor Perttu Permi

University of Jyväskylä

Peptidoglycan hydrolases as weapons against resistant Staphylococcus aureus

696,000 €

Uniarts Helsinki / Sibelius Academy

Sibelius Akademy’s international orchestra co-operation 2019–2023

690,000 €

Associate professor Jussi Toppari, assistant professor Anton Kuzyk

University of Jyväskylä / Aalto University

Functional optical nanostructures by DNA self-assembly

557,000 €

PhD Anamaria Balic

University of Helsinki

The role of Hedgehog signalling in the specification and regulation of tissue-specific stem cells and cancer stem cells

554,000 €

Professor Mauri Kostiainen

Aalto University

DNA-supported catalytic systems

545,000 €

Professor Heikki Ruskoaho

University of Helsinki

Novel compounds for the treatment of leukemia

537,000 €

PhD Hongxia Zhao

University of Helsinki

Regulation of Mitochondrial Ultrastructure and Dynamics: Functional Link to Mitochondrial Diseases

498,000 €

Docent Peter Mattjus

Åbo Akademi University

The glycolipid transfer protein GLTP – A lipid sorting orchestrator in health and disease

488,000 €

PhD Isaac Afara

University of Eastern Finland

Computational modelling in spectroscopic characterization of connective tissues in osteoarthritis (COMPaCT)

487,000 €

Assistant professor Kirsi Mikkonen

University of Helsinki

Improved gut health by wood-derived gums (GOOD)

481,000 €

PhD Shintaro Katayama

Folkhälsan Research Center

”In-silico Histopathology” Elucidation of altered ensembles of tissue-resident cells in human diseases

454,000 €

Professor Mika Pettersson

University of Jyväskylä

Towards graphene-based neuroprosthetics

450,000 €

Professor Cecilia Sahlgren

Åbo Akademi University

AKT-mediated post-translational regulation of NOTCH3 – decoding the notch phosphorylation switchboard for targeted therapies in cancer

427,000 €

Professor Kai Kaila

University of Helsinki

Alzheimerin taudin rationaalinen terapia: KCC2-proteiinin alasajon estäminen

400,000 €

PhD Alejandra Sierra Lopez

A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences / University of Eastern Finland

Multidimensional diffusion MRI for more specific detection of white matter damage after brain injury

372,000 €

Docent Emilia Peltola

Aalto University

Carbon nanostructures for central nervous system research and diagnostics

326,000 €

PhD Karita Haapasalo-Tuomainen

University of Helsinki

Innate immunity in atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease

306,000 €

PhD Aki Manninen

University of Oulu

Molecular crosstalk between hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions in prostate cancer cells

300,000 €

Docent Matti Jalasvuori

University of Jyväskylä

CRICON: Conjugative Delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 System for Eradicating Antibiotic Resistance

255,000 €

PhD Niko Moritz

University of Turku

Additive manufacturing of osteoconductive composite implants

236,000 €

City of Hamina

16th Hamina Tattoo International Military Music Festival 2020

230,000 €

PhD Xiaoju Wang

Åbo Akademi University

Healing the wounds with Finnish woods: Conductive hydrogel scaffolds of cellulosic nanomaterials and polysaccharide biopolymers for delivery of bioactive cues in soft tissue engineering

190,000 €

PhD Andreas Norrman

ETH Zürich

Controlled coherence photonics

177,000 €

Espoon Musiikkifestivaalit yhdistys ry

For organizing PianoEspoo Festivals in 2019 and 2021

150,000 €

Helsinki International Ballet Competition Association

Helsinki International Ballet Competition 2020

120,000 €

MD Hanna Knihtilä

The Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Epigenetics of  childhood asthma

102,000 €

Tampere Hall

International orchestra visits

102,000 €

The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature

Illustration art of children’s books 1847–2019

95,000 €

MD Minna Paloniemi

University of Cambridge, UK

Understanding virus persistence; focus on RNA viruses causing hemorrhagic fever in humans

64,000 €

Helsinki Chamber ry

Helsinki Chamber Music Festival 2019–2020

60,000 €

Foundation for Finnish National Opera and Ballet

The history of the Ballet School of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet (2020–2022)

32,000 €

Versoi Ensemble

Versoi Ensemble chamber music tour 2019, and developing and establishing activities

28,000 €

Kuopion Musiikinystäväin Yhdistys r.y.

For organizing Kuopio XIII violin contest in 2020

20,000 €

Suomen Nuoriso-opisto

J.H. Erkko Literature Competition 2019

8,000 €

Erkko Upper Secondary School of Orimattila


4,900 €
