Donations Granted


37,708,900 €

(the amount may include granted donations not yet published)

Into Liikkeessä ry

A project for the development of professional
skills, learning, and employment. 4 years.           

1,790,000 €

The project aims to fortify the professional environment and expertise of the Finnish dance field, and the production of prominent dance creations for main stages.

Professor Sarah Butcher, professor Varpu Marjomäki, docent Minna Hankaniemi

university of Helsinki, university of jyväskylä, tampere university

Research consortium to develop safe, broadly acting antiviral drugs and vaccines. 4 years.

1,680,000 €

Professor Olli Lohi, Professor Merja Heinäniemi, Assistant professor Ville Hautamäki, Professor Sui Huang

Tampere University
University of Eastern Finland

Artificial intelligence and omics measurements for selecting treatments in childhood and adolescent leukemia. 5 years.

1,500,000 €

Approximately 5,000 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are diagnosed annually in children and adolescents in Europe. With current treatment, approximately 80% of T-ALL and 90% of B-ALL can be cured, but the treatment is lengthy and has significant side effects. Our research project aims to develop more effective and less toxic combination and immunological therapies. We are searching for and optimizing new drug treatments targeting the signaling pathways of B- and T-cell receptors and the metabolism of leukemia cells. We harness the body’s own immune system to enhance treatment response and use multidimensional data as a patient-specific map for an AI model that predicts treatment outcomes. The project’s results aim to reduce treatment-related side effects, improve the prognosis of leukemia, and increase knowledge of the disease’s biology.

Professor Henri Pirkkalainen, Professor Pekka Abrahamsson, Associate Professor (tenure track) Johanna Virkki


EVIL-AI (”evil eye”) – The identification and the mitigation of the negative effects of Artificial Intelligence Agents

1,413,000 €

Artificial intelligence agents (AI agents) are computer programs or information systems that are capable of performing independent and intelligent actions while pursuing a certain goal. A critical uncharted area of AI agents relates particularly to their unethical and unwanted behavior. AI agents can be harnessed to deceive people, they can group together and be set free to carry out criminal activity, in such a way that it is not possible to stop them. The aim of the project is to identify, mitigate and prevent the negative effects of AI agents. The project investigates various manifestations of malicious artificial intelligence such as chatbots, service robots, and metaverse avatars.

Soitinakatemiat ry

The Instrument Academy is applying for 1,234,000 euros for the years 2024–2027 to establish a permanent place for instrument academies in the field of domestic music education. 4 years.

1,234,000 €

The Instrument Academy, founded in 2023, unites the String Academy, the Youth Piano Academy Finland, and the Brass Academy under one umbrella organization. Its mission is to enhance the quantity and quality of education for Finland’s most talented young musicians by pooling the resources of the previously separate instrument academies. The need for music academies has emerged as music schools have reduced their investment in the training of gifted young individuals. The Instrument Academy provide specialized training for gifted young musicians under the mentorship of top-level instructors in a periodic format, while the students continue their regular instrument studies at their home institutions. Pedagogical models may vary according to specific instrument needs.

Events Helsinki

International orchestra and dance visits during the Helsinki festivals 2024-26. 3 years.

1,200,000 €

International orchestra and dance visits at the Helsinki Festival in 2024–26 will see the world’s best artists appear at Finland’s top performance venues. Visits by leading performers produced as part of the festival serve as inspiring examples to Finnish arts professionals and students. The grant awarded continues the project period that began in 2018, during which 18 major international visits have taken place.

Associate Professor (tenure track) Thomas McWilliams

university of Helsinki

Decoding adaptive cellular resilience mechanisms in ATG7 patients. 4 years.

1,145,000 €

Neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease have significant personal costs for those affected and pose a considerable socioeconomic challenge worldwide. There are no treatments available to modify disease progression. Several neurological disorders have a common defect in a cellular recycling process termed autophagy. The project aims to study a recently discovered group of patients with genetic impairments in autophagy, to understand how they adapt and survive despite defects in a key homeostatic mechanism. The research aims to uncover new knowledge and therapeutic targets that could help defeat degeneration.

Academy researcher Katharina Kujala


Targeted isolation of rare earth element utilizing microorganisms from cold environments (ICE-FISHING). 3 years.

1,045,000 €

Rare earth elements (REEs) are critical raw materials that are urgently needed for many technological applications. Hitherto  undiscovered microbes and their enzymes have a great potential to be used in biomining of these REEs. The “ICE-FISHING”  project aims to expand the world of REE-utilizing microorganisms and enzymes through a unique combination of i) bioinformatic  mining of microbial dark matter, ii) in-depth screening of microbial culture collections, iii) selective “fishing” of desirable microbes,  enzymes or physiological traits from cold-climate environmental samples, iv) in situ cultivation techniques to allow for cultivation of  yet uncultivated microbial REE utilizers, and v) subsequent description of novel REE-utilizing strains.

Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki

VOICE AND JUSTICE – Music as a Facilitator of Diversity. 4 years.

1,000,000 €

The four-year international project VOICE AND JUSTICE – Music as a Facilitator of Diversity addresses the growing polarization and inequality as well as the need for intercultural dialogue both in Finnish music education and more broadly in Finnish society. The project investigates the role of music, musical heritage, and musical performance as enablers of cultural understanding and dialogue. Additionally, the project delves into the tools and opportunities that music provides for addressing culturally sensitive issues. During the project, four artistic collaboration projects, several teaching visits, and a four-year research project will be carried out.

Dance House Foundation sr

Dance House Helsinki’s important international guest performances in 2024 – 2027. 3 years, 4 months.

1,000,000 €

Between 2024 and 2027, Dance House Helsinki will present a high-quality, ambitious programme of international guest performances to a wide audience. The programming will seek to reflect the present and future of dance in a way that combines both widely known artists and groups and newer artists, who have recently conquered the big stages and their audiences. The international perspectives on dance on the big stage will be broadened by inviting performances from outside Europe.

Professor Juha Kere

Folkhälsan research center

New cell models for human early development. 3 years.

972,000 €

Professor (tenure track) Minna-Liisa Änkö

tampere university

Rationale design of RNA structure targeting cancer medicines. 4 years.

932,000 €

In this project, we map cellular RNA structures in colorectal tumours, determine the role of RNA-protein interactions in mediating oncogenic RNA folding, and uncover the relationship between RNA structures and oncogenic gene expression. RNA structure targeting molecules are designed to uncover their clinical potential as cancer medicines. Understanding oncogenic RNA structures opens a new avenue for the design of RNA structure targeting cancer medicines that have broad applications beyond colorectal cancer. Thus, the proposed research will help realising the clinical potential of RNA in cancer therapy and enable the rationale design of RNA structure targeting therapeutics that could be transformative in combatting cancers currently incurable.

Academy researcher Saara Ollila
Academy researcher Jaakko Mattila

University of Helsinki

Emergence, functional relevance and therapeutic targeting of cancer-associated fibroblasts in colorectal cancer. 4 years.

904,000 €

Colorectal cancer ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, highlighting a significant social and economic need for improved treatments. The disease’s progression results from interactions between cancer cells and surrounding cells, such as fibroblasts. While conventional anticancer drugs primarily target cancer cells, fibroblasts also play a crucial role in cancer development. This research investigates the function of fibroblasts cells in colorectal cancer progression. The objective is to identify properties of fibroblasts that favor cancer, thereby aiding the development of more effective treatments and preventative measures for genetically predisposed populations.

Professor Noora Kotaja

University of Turku

Germline epigenome in the maintenance of male fertility and transgenerational health. 4 years.

901,000 €

Our research focuses on male germ cells and their unique function in the intergenerational transmission of information and maintenance of life. Our main research interest is the epigenome, i.e. the environment that controls gene expression, and its regulation and influence on sperm function. Sperm epigenome has a central role in the maintenance of fertility, and changes in the epigenome can also have more far-reaching, intergenerational effects on the offspring. Our results will help us to understand the factors behind male infertility, but also the effects of father’s environmental exposures and lifestyle on offspring health, therefore opening novel possibilities for disease diagnosis and prevention.

Foundation for the HAM Helsinki Art Museum sr

Helsinki Biennial: Advancing International Engagement and Promoting the Global Visibility of the Finnish Visual Arts Scene, 2025-2027. 3 years.      

900,000 €

Helsinki Biennial aims to spark new global interest in the Finnish art scene by increasing its international visibility as a world-class art event. This project is designed to strengthen the biennial’s international networks and to raise its visibility and profile. By gaining wider recognition and interacting within a broad global network, Helsinki Biennial will benefit from sharing of best practices and joint art commissions with other biennials and museums. By sharpening its international profile, the biennial will furthermore provide a valuable overall boost to international awareness of the Finnish art scene, which will also offer expanded opportunities for Finnish artists.

Professor Juha Huiskonen
Senior University Lecturer Minna Poranen

University of Helsinki

Bio-imaging of a dsRNA virus life cycle at the molecular level in 3D. 3 years.

820,000 €

Double-stranded RNA viruses infect a wide range of life forms from bacteria, fungi, plants, to animals. The group includes many significant pathogens such as bluetongue virus in sheep, rice dwarf virus, and human rotavirus. Despite the wide host range, these viruses are functionally and structurally similar. In this project, we investigate double-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the cystovirus group and utilize cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to three-dimensionally image the key stages of the viral life cycle at the molecular level. The results shed light on the dynamics and evolutionary origins of biological membrane structures. New knowledge of the life cycle also supports the development of biotechnological applications based on cystoviruses.

Professor Lauri Nummenmaa

university of turku

Imaging the link between anxiety and cardiovascular diseases using total-body positron emission tomography. 4 years.

720,000 €

Assistant professor Juha Saarikangas

University of Helsinki

Identification and functional characterization of new memory molecules. 4 years.

710,000 €

This project aims to explore the biochemical basis of information processing in the brain, focusing on the role and function of prion-like proteins that undergo structural changes during synaptic activation. We will investigate how these prion-like proteins self-assemble in experimental models of memory formation and whether their structural changes activate protein synthesis programs required for memory consolidation in activated synapses. This work will provide insights into the biochemical mechanisms of information processing in synapses and offer new perspectives on the link between prion-like proteins and neurodegenerative diseases associated with memory impairment.

PhD Heikki Takala

University of Jyväskylä

Red light sensing optogenetic tools and their application for cancer therapy. 3 years.

707,000 €

In this project, we generate optogenetic tools for mammalian cells and apply them to breast cancer models. Optogenetics is a field of research that controls cellular processes with light. The tools generated in this project are based on red light-sensing bacterial photochromes and enable cell death (apoptosis) of cancer cells induced by red light. The resulting apoptosis tools will be applied to breast cancer cell models and assayed for their applicability for cancer therapy. Our optogenetic tools will provide a non-invasive alternative for current cancer treatment methods, as they can be controlled with red light through patient’s skin. They have also potential for multitude future applications in basic research, biotechnology, and biomedicine.

Professor Olli Vapalahti

University of Helsinki

Rapid metagenomics for virus discovery and surveillance. 3 years.

695,000 €

Double-stranded RNA viruses infect a wide range of life forms from bacteria, fungi, plants, to animals. The group includes many significant pathogens such as bluetongue virus in sheep, rice dwarf virus, and human rotavirus. Despite the wide host range, these viruses are functionally and structurally similar. In this project, we investigate double-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the cystovirus group and utilize cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to three-dimensionally image the key stages of the viral life cycle at the molecular level. The results shed light on the dynamics and evolutionary origins of biological membrane structures. New knowledge of the life cycle also supports the development of biotechnological applications based on cystoviruses.

Docent Sari Lauri

university of helsinki

Neurobiological basis of psychiatric disorders associated with early life stress. 4 years.

688,000 €

Early experiences shape brain development and influence the risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems later on in life. This project aims at comprehensive characterization of the mechanisms by which early life stress affects neural circuits regulating emotional learning and behaviour in rodent models. In parallel, opportunities for preventing the pathological development are explored, focusing on kainate receptors, a unique family of glutamate receptors implicated in development and plasticity of limbic neural circuits. We expect the results to provide novel clinically relevant information on neurodevelopmental disorders and prospects for their targeted treatment.

Docent Tero Ahola

university of helsinki

Functions of host cell proteins during RNA virus infection. 4 years.

686,000 €

Viruses with RNA genomes cause most of the emerging and re-emerging infectious disease epidemics. The project aims to establish a comprehensive view of host interaction during virus replication by identifying host proteins that assist in virus replication. We aim to understand the specific actions that each host factor performs during virus replication. The proteins could assist e.g. in the modification of host cell membranes, as viruses rearrange the membranes to create protective replication vesicles. The host proteins important for virus replication are attractive new targets for antiviral drugs that could act broadly against several virus families.

Docent Eino Solje

university of eastern finland

Novel Biomarkers, Neurostimulation, and Synaptic Signatures: Redefining Neurodegenerative diseases. 4 years.

681,000 €

Diagnostics and treatment options that are under development for neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) are based on detecting accumulation of pathological proteins (such as beta-amyloid) and early clinical symptoms (mild cognitive impairment, MCI). Problematically, a substantial proportion of elderly healthy individuals who do not have dementia may also show protein accumulation in their brain with concomitant cerebrospinal fluid biomarker alterations. Furthermore, not all individuals with MCI eventually develop a neurodegenerative disorder. Hence, new approaches are needed in the diagnostics, prognostics, treatment, and monitoring of treatment efficacy in NDDs.

Disturbances in the neurotransmitter systems (NTS) are known to be the first detectable changes in NDDs, and these changes occur before irreversible brain atrophy. Today, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers possibilities to conveniently measure the NTS changes. Moreover, our previous studies show that these changes can be modified in the brain of Alzheimer’s disease patients by using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS).

This project aims to solve challenges in the early detection and prognostics of NDDs by combining TMS measurements, novel fluid biomarkers, and global analyses of brain activity. The project is expected to provide new tools for early and personalized NDD diagnosis and enable accurate patient selection for therapeutic studies. Furthermore, we aim to prove tACS as a novel treatment approach for NDDs.

The Conservatory Association of Finland

Music Education Towards the 2030s: A Future-Proof Educational Culture. 2 years.

660,000 €

A two-year project is laying the foundation for a future-proof music education culture in Finland, based on the goals of the Vision 2030 for Music Education. The project focuses on the structural development of the music education field, the creation of collaborative networks, and clarifying future prospects for teacher education. The project is coordinated by The Conservatory Association of Finland. The work is carried out through the main project and three pilot initiatives. The project provides tools for developing the strategic foundation of the entire music education system, as well as concrete examples for local development work.

Helsinki Baroch Orchestra

The 18th Century Opera: Research and Production Project. 4 years.

650,000 €

Professor Jaan-Olle Andressoo

University of Helsinki

GDNF – a novel biomarker and precision medicine target defining a sub-group of schizophrenia. 4 years.         

650,000 €

Schizophrenia (SCZ) affects 1% of the population and is driven by excess striatal dopamine (DA). However, it is unknown what increases brain DA in SCZ, thus we are unable to define effective treatment. Recently, my laboratory found that excess of one of the strongest DA neurons function enhancing proteins GDNF is likely to drive excess DA in 20% of SCZ patients, allowing development of new drugs and biomarkers. My research for the next four years has three main Objectives. First, I aim to develop our drug candidates into patentable drug leads to then aim for clinical trials. Second, I aim to better stratify GDNFhigh SCZ patients to enhance insight into excess GDNF driven SCZ. Third, I aim to define longitudinal biomarkers for disease and current treatment evaluation with the focus on GDNFhigh patients.

Assistant professor Kristiina Huttunen

University of Eastern Finland

Creatine – A Gamechanger in the Brain and Heart
Diseases if Delivered Properly. 4 years.

600,000 €

A natural compound, creatine is highly needed for the energy homeostasis, particularly in the brain and heart muscle. Curiously, creatine transportation to the cells is impaired in many cardiovascular diseases and central nervous system CNS diseases. Therefore, in this science-renewing project, we are seeking to find new solutions to circumvent this problem and deliver creatine to its target cells (neurons and cardiomyocytes), more effectively via other transport mechanisms, which could aid in the prevention and treatment of many CVD and CNS diseases. Most importantly, the created know-how and methodology can be applied to other CVD or CNS drugs and leveraged to other therapeutic areas after the project.

PhD Samu Kainulainen

University of Eastern Finland

A Whole-Body Sleep Architecture Model to
Redefine Sleep Stages. 4 years.     

568,000 €

Sleep is a vital physiological process, compulsory for mental and physical recovery. However, the analytic practices have not evolved, and sleep staging is still restricted to human pattern recognition and 30-second time intervals. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to establish a robust and fully automated whole-body sleep staging model that merges information from physiological systems and the brain´s electrical activity with high temporal resolution. This can enable comprehensive and clinically relevant evaluation and classification of healthy and diseased sleep.

PhD Mika Komppula

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Detailed measurement of cloud microphysical properties through holographic imaging deployed on unmanned aerial vehicles (CLOUD-UAV). 3 years.

522,000 €

Climatic effects caused by clouds contain large uncertainties. Modeling clouds is challenging because applicable accurate observational data can only be collected by direct measurements of clouds. The only measurement platforms able to do this cost-effectively are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We utilize and develop the uICEMET instrument based on holographic imaging for use on various UAV platforms. We exploit the full potential of UAV-based cloud observations to better understand the processes that drive cloud properties in different environments, including fog, liquid, and mixed-phase clouds. We present applications of high-resolution data obtained from measurements in the validation of remote sensing observations and high-resolution modeling tools.

Docent Maria Lindahl

University of Helsinki

MANF and its small molecule mimetic compounds as therapeutic targets for type 2 diabetes. 3 years.               

500,000 €

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is alarmingly increasing and novel therapeutic approaches for DM are needed. In type 2 diabetes (T2D), chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a central event for beta cell failure, insulin resistance, and vascular dysfunction. We found that MANF by relieving ER stress reduces death of insulin producing beta cells in mice. In addition, small molecule compounds mimicking MANF reduce detrimental ER stress in cellular models. We aim to test whether MANF and mimetics inhibit T2D development and its complications in a mouse T2D model by reducing ER stress. The mechanisms of action will be tested on beta cells and tissues, and human cell lines in T2D settings. Our holistic therapeutic approach based on decreasing cellular stress may treat T2D and its complications.

Docent Jukka Kallijärvi

folkhälsan research center

Premature aging in neonatal mitohochondrial disease: molecular mechanisms and treatments. 4 years.

500,000 €

A member of the Finnish disease heritage, GRACILE syndrome is one of the most severe mitochondrial diseases with onset before birth. Utilizing experimental models of GRACILE syndrome, our research aims at elucidating novel disease mechanisms in mitochondrial diseases and testing treatments. This project is based on our recent findings showing that the oncogene c-MYC drives harmful cell proliferation, leading to premature aging of tissues and a progeroid disease in the mouse model. We aim to dampen this process directly by genetic means and indirectly with drug molecules, hoping to slow down the detrimental accumulation of senescent cells in the tissue and attenuating disease progression.

Associate Professor (tenure track) Alexander Jung


A Mathematical Theory of Federated Learning (TRUST-FELT). 4 years.

498,000 €

Artificial intelligence (AI) is integral to our daily lives, influencing our job search, housing, and relationships. Many AI services are powered by federated learning (FL) systems providing tailored predictions on interests like job offers, dating, and music videos. Despite the usefulness of FL systems, there is increasing evidence for their potentially harmful effects, such as boosting addictive user behavior or even genocide.This project breaks ground for trustworthy FL, shifting the focus of current FL research towards a more human-centric perspective. Besides the computational and statistical properties of FL systems, this project emphasizes important design criteria for trustworthy AI.

Oulun kaupunginteatteri Oy

The Diversity of Main Stage Productions and International Expertise as Future Factors at Oulu Theatre in 2025–2027. 3 years.     

497,000 €

Oulu Theatre is launching a three-year project (2025-2027) aimed at diversifying its main stage productions. The project will develop content for large audiences in the north, expand the audience base, and enhance the theatre’s international expertise. The project will be implemented through six main stage productions and internal development work. The productions will focus on diverse content, creators, and art forms, as well as the development of international production, collaboration, sales, and marketing skills.

Professor Annakaisa Haapasalo

university of eastern finland

Changes in brain immune cells in different subtypes of frontotemporal dementia. 3 years.

495,000 €

The project investigates the role of the brain’s immune cells, microglia, in frontotemporal dementia. Previous studies suggest alterations in the immune system of frontotemporal dementia patients, but the role of microglia in different hereditary or clinical forms of the disease is not understood. The aim is to shed light on the cell biological and functional changes taking place in microglia and their effects on the function of neurons and their connections, synapses. The research utilizes microglia and neurons produced by stem cell technology from patients and their co-cultures, as well as blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. The aim is to better understand the disease mechanisms of different subtypes of frontotemporal dementia and to identify new research-based biomarker and drug targets.

PhD Riku Tuovinen


Efficient quantum materials simulations. 4 years.

484,000 €

The project’s main goal is to establish a unified, efficient, and accurate computational framework to explore next-generation quantum materials. Addressing the complex interactions of electrons and bosons, we develop tools for quantum materials simulations to tackle problems like energy transfer and heat dissipation. Recent experimental advances have spurred demand for computational studies of materials with atomic-scale and femtosecond resolution. We will develop the Green’s function theory for simulating many-body dynamics, overcoming its computational challenges with modern, linear-scaling algorithms. This method will map electrical properties of two-dimensional materials and model light-matter interaction in nanojunctions, extending both the understanding and methodology of quantum materials research.

Docent Karita Haapasalo-Tuomainen

university of helsinki

The Molecular Mechanisms of Synapse Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease: Elucidating the Role of Complement Factor H. 2 years.

483,000 €

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) affects over 50 million people globally and the AD-related death rate in Finland has nearly doubled in the past decade. Despite active research, there’s no cure for this disease. The elevated complement cascade of the immune system in AD brains contributes to the elimination of synaptic connections, crucial for brain function. However, the primary step in this pathway has remained elusive. Our research investigates the interplay between complement and neuronal ion transporters aiming to safeguard neurons from inflammatory-induced synapse loss. Dysregulation of complement may trigger the synapse loss leading to an imbalanced neurotransmission. Due to this novel approach, this study has the potential to open up new avenues for alternative treatments and drug discovery.

Professor Lauri Parkkonen


INGA – Revolutionizing the induction of labor with an intelligent catheter with integrated sensor technology: a validation study. 2 years. Proof of Concept.

474,000 €

In 2021, approximately 38 million pregnant women needed medical labor induction, of which on average 30% were unsuccessful leading to childbirth complications. Over the past two decades, the proportion of induced births has consistently risen, reaching above 30% in Western countries. Factors contributing to this rise include increased maternal age, body mass index (BMI), and associated conditions like gestational diabetes and hypertensive complications. The INGA research group has built a sensor system for continuous monitoring and improved management of the induction process and childbirth experience. The research objective is to increase access to safer and more affordable data-driven induction protocols to be employed both in inpatient and outpatient settings.


Internationalization and organizational development of WAUHAUS arts collective between 2025–2027. 3 years.

472,000 €

WAUHAUS is a Finnish arts collective that was founded in 2016. The nomadic collective’s broad range of works exist in the landscape between contemporary dance, theatre, and fine arts. During 2025–2027 we will strengthen and expand our collaborative network so that our mid-size and large dance and theatre performances can reach a wider international audience. The goal of this project is to meet the growing demand for our works by creating larger-scale pieces and extending their lifespan through stable and continuous touring. We are developing WAUHAUS towards a financially, ecologically, and socially more sustainable artistic future.

Docent Timo Myöhänen

university of helsinki

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as a promising therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease. 3 years.

472,000 €

Alzheimer’s disease is becoming a major health care problem with aging population. Current therapies cannot stop or delay the neuronal death that occurs in the disease, and therefore, novel drug targets and candidates are urgently needed. It is not known what eventually initiates the neuronal death in Alzheimer’s disease but there is growing evidence that beta-amyloid – the main component of Alzheimer’s plaques – damages cellular transport systems that then initiates the accumulation of other protein, tau, in the cells. This eventually leads to neuronal death. The aim of the study is to clarify if we can reduce the tau accumulation or restart the cellular transport by targeting protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) with small molecules.

Professor Pekka Lappalainen

University of Helsinki

Development of lead compounds for drugs against
trypanosomatid parasites. 2 years.             

400,000 €

Leishmania and Trypanosoma parasites cause diseases such as leishmaniasis and African sleeping sickness. There are no optimal drugs for these diseases, and the parasites have developed resistance to several compounds already in use. Actin is a central protein found in all eukaryotes. We recently found significant differences in the structures of actin between parasites and humans. By combining Ilpo Vattulainen’s group’s expertise in computational biology, and Pekka Lappalainen’s group’s expertise in actin-related structural biology and biochemistry, we aim to identify compounds that inhibit parasite actin without affecting the function of human actin. Such compounds are good new drug candidates for the treatment of diseases caused by these parasites.

Associate Professor (tenure track) Jarno Mäkelä, Academy researcher Uwe Richter


Coordination between mitochondrial protein synthesis and cristae ultrastructure. 3 years.

396,000 €

This project aims to understand how mitochondrial cristae are formed. Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of the cell because they generate energy. Cristae, which are the folds inside the mitochondria, change shape depending on the metabolic activity of mitochondria. It is technically difficult to track the formation of these folds in living cells. We use a unique experimental approach and super-resolution microscopy to provide a systematic study of mitochondrial cristae formation. Our research will contribute to the understanding of associated human diseases, particularly those impacting the brain, such as neurodegenerative diseases.

University of Helsinki / National Library of Finland

Advanced solutions for presenting visual cultural heritage digitally to different audiences. 2 years.

396,000 €

The project opens up experiences and opportunities for utilising cultural heritage. The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a solution designed for the needs of the cultural heritage sector, providing libraries, archives and museums with tools to share collections in a digitally versatile and functionally rich manner. The focus is on three services (DSpace, and digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi and Finna), which serve a broad group of Finnish operators in the field of cultural heritage and research. The deployment will be widely promoted in the sector by sharing expertise.

PhD Andrea Ganna

UNIversity of helsinki

Can AI identify people with the highest need for a blood test checkup? 2 years. Proof of Concept.

313,000 €

In Finland, more than 2 billion clinical lab tests are conducted every year, marking this as a major healthcare service and cost factor. Current approaches to blood testing in primary and occupational healthcare are opportunistic and fail to consider the full richness of health data or to integrate genetic information. Our hypothesis is that AI can be successfully employed to optimize laboratory testing by identifying individuals who are likely to have abnormal values and would therefore benefit most from a blood test. By using registry and genetic data, we aim to predict abnormal creatinine values and will validate our approach by recalling 2,000 individuals for potential chronic kidney disease screening. This could make testing more equitable and efficient in Finland.

Garantiföreningen för Svenska Teatern rf (The Swedish Theatre)

The impact of diversity in sustainable development of theatre. 3 years.

301,000 €

An increasingly diverse and more multicultural society challenges theatre as a wielder of social influence, in relation to the audience, as a professional community and as a developer of artistic repertoire. The project explores, looks for and tries out ways to increase the share of people representing non-normative cultural capital in theatre audiences and staff. In this context, non-normative cultural capital refers to cultural capital that differs from the norms that have historically been associated with the operations of Svenska Teatern. Such norms include, among others, whiteness, middle-classness, speaking Swedish and speaking Finnish, higher education background and heteronormativity. The purpose of the three-year project is to build more sustainable theatre in its three pillars: Audience, Art and Work Community.

Professor Leena Ukkonen 


Self-healing multifunctional polymer materials for future skin-like electronics and wireless sensing technologies (HealingSense). 2 years. Proof of Concept.

276,000 €

As the result of this project, we will create self-healing ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio-frequency identification (RFID) based wireless sensors. We will achieve, for the first time, a self-healing wireless sensor, which provides a proof-of-concept that demonstrates the groundbreaking possibilities of self-healing polymer materials. By utilizing passive UHF RFID technology, we will demonstrate and measure the material breakage and healing process with wireless measurements.

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs

The United States at an inflection point: the future of foreign and domestic policy in an Age of Confrontation. 1,5 years.

225,000 €

The United States at an inflection point -research project initiated by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs’ (FIIA) Center on U.S. Politics and Power (CUSPP) is the first large scale attempt in Finland to study the interweaving of U.S. domestic and foreign policies in the 2020s, and its impacts on global politics. The research, analysis, and expertise that the project aims to produce is of significant social importance, as the need for Finns to understand the United States is greater than perhaps ever before in light of the two countries recently becoming allies.

Associate Professor (tenure track) Moritz Scherleitner, Associate Professor (tenure track) Bianca Beyer


Taxation as a means to promote sustainability in business decision-making? A multidisciplinary inquiry. 3 years.

149,000 €

This project aims to generate new insights and specific recommendations for designing sustainable taxation policies. Our interdisciplinary approach follows a two-step process: First, we aim to gather empirical evidence on management decision-making and the real-world impacts of sustainable tax incentives and disincentives in a Finnish setting. Understanding decision-makers’ responses to tax (dis)incentives is crucial for enabling policymakers to develop more targeted and effective tax policies. Effective tax policies achieve their objectives while minimizing collateral damage, such as economic distortions or misallocated/unearned tax revenue. Building on these insights, we plan to formulate policy recommendations for legislators to create an effective tax legislation promoting sustainable business development in the second part of the project.
