Donations Granted


31,981,338 €

(the amount may include granted donations not yet published)

University of Jyväskylä

Digital Citizen Science Centre. 5 years.

2,998,000 €

Professor Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne and professor Chunlin Xu


The next generation biohybrid systems for photosynthetic fuels and chemicals production. 5 years.

2,256,000 €

Professor Päivi Törmä

Aalto University

Room Temperature Superconductivity 2033. 4 years.

2,000,000 €

City of Helsinki / Arts and Culture Promotion

Culture Kids. 3 years.

1,500,000 €

Jani Oksanen


Green optical refrigeration. 5 years.

1,498,000 €

Professor Annele Virtanen

University of Eastern Finland

Climate and air quality impacts of boreal forest fires. 4 years.

1,200,000 €

Assistant professor Silvan Scheller and professor Paula Jouhten


Cell factories for CO2 valorization. 4 years.

1,081,000 €

Tenure track professor Mataleena Parikka

TAMPERE University

Antibioottitoleranssin nujertaminen tuberkuloosissa. 4 years.

1,000,000 €

Professor Inari Kursula

University of Oulu

Understanding the structure and function of the peculiar actomyosin motor of the malaria parasite. 3 years.

842,000 €

Professor Matti Putkonen

University of Helsinki

Novel materials for energy efficient microelectronics. 4 years.

784,000 €

Professor Ilkka Julkunen

University of TURKU

Coronavirus immunity. 3 years.

760,000 €

Assistant professor Merja Voutilainen

University of HELSINKI

Targeted non-invasive disease-modifying treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. 3 years.

700,000 €


The development of Tampere Opera and chamber music operation for the years 2024–25. 2 years.

670,000 €

Professor Mika Lastusaari and professor Maarit Karppinen


Inexpensive Sustainable Medical X-Ray Imaging With ALD-Coated Hackmanites. 2 years.

666,000 €

Professor Amit Bhatnagar


Advancing Water Purification: Harnessing Advanced Functional Materials and Multiscale Computational Modeling for Effective PFAS Removal in Water Utilities. 4 years.

650,000 €

Assistant professor Carlos Figueiredo

University of TURKU

Targeting antigen presentation in metastatic melanoma – mechanisms, prognostication, and therapeutic opportunities. 4 years.

637,000 €

Emeritus professor, senior physician Klaus Hedman

University of Helsinki

The human tissue virome – comprehensive impact analysis. 4 years.

600,000 €

Professor Pekka Karhunen

Tampere University

Role of bacterial microbiome in the pathogenesis of rupture-prone atheromatous plaque, its diagnostics, treatment and prevention possibilities. 3 years.

600,000 €

Assistant professor Liisa Myllykangas

University of Helsinki

Toward precision diagnostics for the whole spectrum of dementia disorders – a neuropathological and genetic study. 3 years.

600,000 €

PhD Johanna Englund

University of Helsinki

Extracellular Matrix Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Initiation. 3 years.

506,000 €

PhD Olli Pietiläinen

University of Helsinki

Genetic mechanisms underlying neuronal defects in schizophrenia. 4 years.

500,000 €

Juho Pokki-Riikonen


Toward enhanced drug efficacy in breast cancer by micromechanical analysis. 3 years.

500,000 €

Assistant professor Matilda Backholm

Aalto University

A new method to resolve the mechanical forces constraining plant root growth. 4 years.

496,000 €

Academy researcher Tuomo Valkonen

University of Helsinki

Optimointia inversion epäkleudisissa avaruuksissa. 4 years.

480,000 €

Espoo City Theatre

International Top Productions 2024–2027. 3,5 years.

478,000 €

Ateneum Art Museum / Finnish National Gallery

Finnish classical art abroad II. 3 years.

450,000 €

Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design sr

Digital New Museum of Architecture and Design. 2 years.

450,000 €

Mikkeli Music Festival

Guest concerts of London Philharmonia at Mikkeli Music Festival 2023–26.

400,000 €

Assistant professor Alexander Mildner


Modulation of macrophage lipid catabolism during atherosclerosis. 4 years.

400,000 €

Docent Petteri Oura

University of Helsinki

Translational Forensic Neuropathology – FINNE Project. 3 years.

400,000 €

Associate professor Johanna Virkki


Augmentative and Alternative Communication Reality. 2 years. PoC.

386,000 €

Tanssikaari ry

Creating a new international art festival and production of international dance works. 2 years.

385,000 €

Associate professor Annamaria Mesaros


Continual learning of sounds with deep neural networks. 3 years.

354,000 €

Assitej Finland

Bravo! International festival of performing arts for young audiences– Development project for international performance visits 2023–2026. 3 years.

320,000 €

Ph.D. Kirill Murashko

University of Eastern Finland

Aerosol-based technologies in advanced composites production for lithium-sulphur batteries. 3 years.

314,000 €

Docent Nina Kaminen-Ahola

University of HELSINKI

Epigenetic memory of early life exposure: future biomarkers for developmental disorders. 2 years. PoC.

300,000 €

Professori Laeticia Petit

Tampere University

Composites fibers as new white light source. 4 years. PoC.

300,000 €

PhD Tiina Salminen

Tampere University

Hot mitochondria – implications on thermal adaption, infection and mitochondrial diseases. 2 years. PoC.

300,000 €

Professor Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen

University of Turku

Molecular mechanisms of RAB24-mediated proliferation, adhesion and migration of cancer cells. 3 years.

298,000 €

Docent Emilia Peuhu

University of Turku

Molecular features and diagnostic biomarkers of breast carcinoma in situ. 2 years. PoC.

282,000 €

M.D. Maija Castren

University of HELSINKI

Astrocyte-mediated mechanisms as target for therapy in Fragile X Syndrome. 2 years. PoC.

254,000 €

City of Hamina

International Military Music Festival Hamina Tattoo 2024. 2 years.

250,000 €

Professor Edris Pouresmaeil


Unlocking Potentials of Green Hydrogen in Finnish Power Grids. 2 years. PoC.

245,000 €

Helsingin kamarikuoron kannatusyhdistys ry

World premieres of new works in the Helsinki Chamber Choir’s 20th anniversary year. 2 years.

234,000 €

Professor Pertti Panula

University of Helsinki

Disease modeling using CRISPR/Cas method in zebrafish: widening horizons. 1,5 years.

226,000 €

PhD Alberto Scacchi


Towards a theoretical approach for water purification by means of agueous two-phase systems (WP-ATPS). 2 years. PoC.

210,000 €

Docent Shiqi Wang

University of Helsinki

Quantitative analysis of endosomal escape and intracellular delivery via bioorthogonal luminescent reaction (BioLure). 3 years. Proof of Concept.

200,600 €

Docent Li Wei

University of Helsinki

Macrophages with high drug-carrying capacity for autoimmune disease therapy. 2 years. PoC.

200,000 €

Docent Christopher Jackson

University of Helsinki

Genome-wide identification of cell fitness rescue pathways to mitochondrial dysfunction. 3 years.

187,000 €

MD Elina Urpilainen

University of Oulu

OmGel – The development of new predictive in vitro method for precision medicine in ovarian cancer. 5 years.

152,400 €

Professor Peter Richard


Engineering white-rot mushrooms for lignin valorization. 1 year.

135,300 €

Docent Jukka Kero

University of Turku

Unravelling Molecular Mechanisms of Thyroid Disorders -from Human Phenotypes and Family Pedigrees to Functional Analysis and Mouse Models. 1,5 years.

108,000 €

Musiikkitalon Urut Soimaan ry

Organising the inauguration year events of the Musiikkitalo organ. 1 year.

100,000 €

Tate Gallery

Outi Pieski exhibition at Tate St Ives, UK. 3 months.

92,000 €

Suomenkielisen Kouluviestikarnevaalin Tukisäätiö

Running Relay for Finnish schools on Olympic Stadium 2023.

30,000 €

Suomen Nuoriso-opisto

J. H. Erkko writing contest 2023. 1 year.

9,500 €

Erkko General Upper Secondary school

Stipends 2023.

4,538 €
